If you are not at the home page, click on HOME button (1). Next click on COMPETITIVE (2).
At the screen that opens, select TOURNAMENTS (3).
It's easier to find it under FREE TOURNAMENTS (4).
If you wish to register, make sure
PENDING tab is selected (5).
You can find it by its number or by host - bbo_iac (6).
If you are have a partner click on register and type in partner's name:
If instead you need a partner, click on Show Partnership desk and add your name
Or you can invite anyone from there to pard you.
* * *
If you want to kibitz, tournament already started, so you must select
RUNNING tab (7).
Again locate trny by its host (bbo_iac) and click on TABLES. There you can choose a table you want to kibitz.
While you are browsing tournaments, if you click on SUBSTITUTES (8), you'll get this:
Checking the box and submitting will allow ANY TD to call you as a sub in ANY tournament.
If instead you only want to sub in IAC trny, pls show tables of it, or go kib and only then click SUBSTITUTES (8).
This time you get: